
WTO’s Young Trade Leaders Programme 2024

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity for Young Trade Enthusiasts

In an increasingly interconnected world, international trade plays a pivotal role in fostering economic growth, reducing poverty, and promoting sustainable development. But who will lead the charge in shaping the future of global trade? The World Trade Organization (WTO) believes it’s the youth of today.That’s why the WTO is thrilled to announce the opening of applications for its prestigious 2024 Young Trade Leaders Programme. This transformative initiative is not just a programme; it’s a launchpad for young visionaries who are passionate about leveraging trade for the betterment of people and the planet.

Why Trade Matters More Than Ever

In the wake of global challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and geopolitical tensions, the role of trade has come under intense scrutiny. However, it’s precisely in these times that we need fresh perspectives and innovative solutions. Trade, when conducted fairly and sustainably, can:

  • Drive Economic Recovery: By facilitating the exchange of goods and services, trade can reignite economies battered by the pandemic.
  • Foster Innovation: Open markets encourage competition, spurring businesses to innovate and improve efficiency.
  • Promote Sustainable Practices: Trade agreements can include provisions that promote environmentally friendly practices and labor standards.
  • Bridge Divides: Economic interdependence can foster diplomatic relations and reduce conflicts.
  • Reduce Poverty: Access to global markets can lift communities out of poverty by creating jobs and opportunities.

The WTO, as the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations, is at the forefront of ensuring that trade delivers these benefits. And now, they want you to be part of this mission.

The WTO Young Trade Leaders Programme: Your Gateway to Global Impact

Launched in 2021, the Young Trade Leaders Programme has already empowered dozens of young minds from diverse backgrounds. These leaders have gone on to influence trade policies, raise awareness about trade issues in their communities, and even start their own trade-focused initiatives.

The 2024 programme is set to be the most impactful yet. Here’s what you can expect:

1. Unparalleled Learning Opportunities

  • Inside the WTO: Gain first-hand insights into how trade rules are negotiated, disputes are resolved, and policies are shaped.
  • Expert Mentorship: Be guided by seasoned trade professionals from the WTO Secretariat.
  • Training Programmes: Access exclusive WTO training on topics like trade law, economics, and sustainable development.
  • Geneva Visit: Experience a day of in-person training at the WTO headquarters, the heart of global trade governance.

2. A Global Platform for Your Voice

  • Content Creation: Publish articles, blogs, and podcasts on the WTO platform, reaching policymakers, business leaders, and academics worldwide.
  • Social Media Influence: Leverage WTO’s social channels to amplify your trade narratives and engage with a global audience.
  • Public Forum 2024: Contribute to or lead a session at this high-profile event, attended by thousands of trade stakeholders.

3. Network with the Best and Brightest

  • Peer Collaboration: Work with fellow Young Trade Leaders from diverse cultures and sectors.
  • High-Level Connections: Engage with WTO officials, country representatives, and industry leaders.
  • Alumni Network: Join a growing community of past leaders who are already making waves in trade.

4. Lead Change in Your Community

  • Local Events: Organize trade workshops, seminars, or fairs in your hometown, with WTO support.
  • Policy Influence: Brief local policymakers on trade issues that affect your region.
  • Youth Engagement: Inspire other young people to consider careers in trade and international relations.

Are You the Leader We’re Looking For?

The WTO is casting a wide net, seeking diverse talents who share a common passion for trade. You might be:

  • An economics student fascinated by trade theory
  • A young entrepreneur navigating cross-border e-commerce
  • An environmental activist interested in sustainable trade practices
  • A budding diplomat with a knack for negotiation
  • A tech whiz exploring how digital trade can empower SMEs

Regardless of your background, if you’re between 18 and 30 (as of July 5, 2024) and a citizen of a WTO member country, we want to hear from you. The key requirements are:

  • Passion for Trade: You see trade not just as transactions, but as a tool for global good.
  • Communication Skills: Proficiency in English is a must; knowledge of French or Spanish is a bonus.
  • Open-Mindedness: You respect diverse viewpoints and can foster constructive dialogues.
  • Commitment: You’re ready to dedicate yourself to the programme from July 2024 to June 2025.

Note: Current WTO affiliates and their relatives are not eligible to ensure fairness and new perspectives.

How to Make Your Application Stand Out

With top talents applying from around the world, you’ll need to shine. Here’s how:

  1. Craft a Stellar CV (max 2 pages):
    • Highlight trade-related experiences, even if they’re small-scale or academic.
    • Showcase leadership roles, community service, or entrepreneurial ventures.
  2. Create an Engaging Video (2-3 minutes):
    • Be authentic – let your passion for trade shine through.
    • Share a personal story that links to your trade interest.
    • Outline your vision for impact as a Young Trade Leader.
  3. Write a Compelling Essay (max 300 words) on “What does trade mean for you?”:
    • Go beyond textbook definitions; make it personal.
    • Perhaps trade opened up opportunities for your family business?
    • Or you’ve witnessed how fair trade practices transformed a local community?

Submit your application to [email protected] by July 5, 2024 (23:59 CET). Late applications won’t be considered, so mark your calendars!

From Application to Impact: Your Journey Ahead

  1. June-July 2024: Application review and shortlisting
  2. July 2024: Interviews with promising candidates
  3. August 2024: Selection announced
  4. September 2024: Attend WTO Public Forum in Geneva
  5. July 2024 – June 2025: Engage in the year-long programme

While the programme doesn’t offer remuneration, the knowledge, networks, and opportunities you’ll gain are invaluable. Past leaders have gone on to secure roles in international organizations, advised governments on trade policy, and founded trade-focused NGOs.

The World is Waiting for Your Leadership

In a world grappling with complex challenges, trade remains a beacon of hope – a way to connect nations, uplift communities, and drive sustainable growth. The WTO Young Trade Leaders Programme is your chance to be at the forefront of this global endeavor.

You’ll not just learn about trade; you’ll shape its future. You’ll not just make connections; you’ll build a global movement. And most importantly, you’ll transform your passion into real-world impact.

So, are you ready to trade up your future and the world’s? Apply now for the 2024 WTO Young Trade Leaders Programme. Your journey to becoming a global trade influencer starts here.

For full details and to see the inspiring work of past leaders, visit the official WTO Young Trade Leaders Programme page.

The future of trade is bright. The future of trade is you.


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